Tuesday, January 8, 2013

This top ten list of new years anti-resolutions will be...

The top ten anti-resolutions of this years will be... Please hand me the envelope and this years winners are:
1. Fall asleep before 1 a.m:
       Playing games all night is not good for my health or school life this next one is a reprecussion of this anti-resolution.
2. Try not to sleep in most of my classes:
       This is affecting my grades in these classes these are not the highest grades possible but definately close to the bottom.
3.  Finally complete a list:
        This would help me get organized to actually care about what happens to my life, also to achieve my goals and dreams which i haven't kept track of.
4.  Finish all homework assignments:
         This would help out with the grade problem i'm having lately. Also this would help me keep teachers off my back about activities that would get me a lot of awards.
5.  Find out who someone is before adding them on facebook.
         This would help out with all the stalker problems ive been having. plus the attempted break ins at my house in the middle of the night.
6.  Finish all home projects before starting another one.
         This would clear up the propety a lot and not have to much junk.
7.  Make sure that I have the proper tools before starting a job.
         Things may go south very fast if im not prepared for what i want to do.
8.  Finish highschool with a GPA of at least 3.0.
         Colleges would greatly increase thier intrest in my future. Also help get scholarships which would help out a lot.
9.  Finally get a job that deals with work.
          All jobs are work you say? Well then you haven't met many lead singers.
10.  This is the last time i finish a list.
          Why because these are very taxing and time consuming.


  1. Hi, Michael I'm saying that because you are always polite and say it to me first...so look I beat you to it. 1st your shouldn't just cold turkey your playing games, you can't jst rip the band-aid off...I mean I guess you could but its gonna hurt. So what you should do is play like 30 minutes shorter or dont drink caffeine past a certain time. That may help with the whole falling asleep in class. 5. You should fersurley check out the people before adding them, I dont add anyone I don't know because people on facebook are all wanting attention and probably crying about something and jsut want you to be like OMG what is wrong. Unfortunalty i'm not going to be one of those people who are like what's wrong bla bla bla. So do a little research before adding these creepers who are breaking into your house!!!! Heres a house project, put an alarm system in or get a huge pit bull and put by the door. Orrrr what you could do is put in a censor light and when it goes off it's an intense barking dog. hahahah i'm quite clever.

  2. Michael,
    I think it's great that in your resolutions you are focusing on things that you know aren't good for you. Its good that you want to try and better yourself within school and other activities. Like I've said before I find it a little ironic how everyone is saying a little something about Facebook. lol. It is probably a good thing to do so but when I have people add me of Facebook I generally don't add them unless I know them or I'll send them a quick message asking if they know me and if they don't I just simply hit decline. I'm not quite sure as to what you mean when you're talking about "finally get a job that deals with work." Are you saying you're a singer? hmm..So confused.. But anyway, I hope you meet all your goals this year and wish you the best!

  3. Dude, you are the most outgoing person I have ever met. You are the person I actually see most fit for the term "YOLO." The craziest things I have ever heard about from illegal party activities to just weird stories, you have it all. Also, your stores are more enjoyable and actually relative compared to Aaron Nheer's stories. Although that guy had a story for everything, it really got annoying and I couldn't relate myself or anybody to what he had to say. I think that your anti-resolutions really suit you. I ESPECIALLY agree with that fact that you need to find a job and stop eating off my tax dollars. I would really like it if the government would stop taking 15% of my pay check every two weeks. I know it may not sound like much and I understand that you need it but you party a lot more than I do and you get paid to do so. I work at Mazzio's and it gets out of hand on most days that I work. Comparing my work to yours, it may not sound fair but it is just because of so. You are also one of the laziest guys I know, next to Jake Curtis. I'm surprised you have made it to your Senior year doing almost absolutely nothing. I wonder what is keeping your grades up to keep up with me. None the less, good luck to you.

  4. Good anti-resolutions to have. A lot are school focused to help you in the future, and that’s how you get a good job with a big pay check. But one of those that would be hardest for me would be fall asleep before 1am, without sleeping medicine I'm not asleep till around 3am. Even though Sura already said it I'm going to second that. You are definitely a YOLO kind of person all the parties and "living while your young." On #10 speaking of taxing.. taxes are ridiculous. I mean you get taxed when you get money, taxed when you spend money, taxed on some money you own in certain bank accounts, and taxed on all your property. #HowDidObamaGetBackIntoOffice..Ok rant over, moving on. #9 I think you'll be how I am with a job. I love my job and take it very seriously, but there are a lot of laughs along the way. And since I enjoy my job (95%+ of the time)I really give my all to work fast and efficiently, and I think you'll do the same. Anyways nice list broski, and good luck to you.

    1. Lol..look at time on post.. grr can't sleep >.<

    2. sorry man cant help ya much but try like i dont know being more lazy that is very time consuming and eats the day up.

  5. Michael,
    All of your anti-resolutions were really good and something that you should really try to pursue. When I read through the comments I have to say I agree with Haley on a lot of things. I wouldn’t quit cold turkey on playing games because it is hard trust me I know. Also the resolution about going to bed sooner; everyone always needs the maximum amount of sleep they can get because it makes it easier to stay awake in class or whatever the case is. The facebook anti-resolution is one everyone should abide by because not only does it keep stalkers away and people out of your house it is also just safer. Number 8 of your resolutions is one that is, I believe, the most important. My grades are my number one priority so I am already making that GPA, I just have to worry about maintaining it. :) I hope that all of these can be accomplished for you.

  6. Michael I am running out of things to say on these blogs
    Sleep like everyone said is good to a point. Trying not to sleep in classes is for Asians haha I would sleep if I could get by with it. I am right there with you on making a list I hate taking time to make a list I think they seem to be a waste of time but I have found if I make one then things actually get done which is a plus. I found your #6 is very relatable. I still have a building to finish and a couple of doorways to finish trimming out and a counter to replace and a door to fix but I was always told by my uncle “ I work on junk all day long why would I want to come home and do the same thing on my time for free?”

  7. Michael, correct me if I'm wrong but numbers three and ten on your list are contradictory. I agree with number three, making a list of your goals is a good way to stay on track to achieve what you want in life. However, if you complete that list, you will have failed at number ten. I think its a really smart idea to try to keep your grades up, though the last semester of your senior year may be too little too late as far as high school goes you can always develop good habits for college. I would totally agree that you should always know who someone is before adding them on facebook, especially if you are having problems with stalkers. I'm sorry to hear you've been having break-ins. I agree with Haley that one of your home projects could be to better secure the house. I hope these resolutions help you in your last months of high school and beyond.

    1. They aren't contradictory; number three is finishing the list while number 10 is writing one. If Michael already has some pre-existing list he can complete number three without ruining number 10.

  8. Are stalkers a problem you have been having for a while now? I know a few good tips for you to clear up that problem, but only if you are okay with having bear traps in your front lawn. If not, forget I said anything.
    You and I seem to have the same sleeping patterns. I do not like missing out on things, even things going on at 2 a.m. which is usually just the rest of my family asleep, but still! I should probably think about working on a regular sleeping schedule; I am exhausted. Best of luck in your job hunt, it is not easy, but in the end it is definitely worth it, especially when you pick up your paycheck!
    I agree with your refusal to ever write another list. I was wiped out after finishing my resolutions! This blogging is turning out to be more work than what I signed up for!

  9. Michael,
    I like your anti resolution list. It's a great goal to get a 3.0 because it does help you in the long run for college. I believe you can do it because you're a smart person in class whenever you get chosen to answer a question. Im surprised you didn'te write anything about reading because I know that you read a lot in book club. Your sister and you always read the most books and it was always fun to see you two in book club. Your last resolution might be hard not to do especially when you have to do a list as a homework assignment. Good luck on you anti resolution list!
