Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day

            The story I am about to tell you is a very personal one that pertains to others as well as myself. The beginning, middle, and end may hold sensitive information to some while greatly entertaining others with the plight of one of my worst days EVER! This story also contains graphic pictures placed into your mind for that I’m sorry. This is a warning for those who seek to use this information for their own benefit or hindrance. Though I do not care if it is discussed or not I wish to keep it within the confines of the world (a.k.a. I do not care where this goes as long as you understand it.)

            This story takes place about 12-13 years ago when I lived in a small town 12 miles away from the location I am currently at, Pierce city high school, on this day in the spring I was a particularly happy kid playing outside as was the normal thing to do back then. I was playing with a very special toy soldier that had a parachute on it. I played for hours with this little toy soldier when all of a sudden it got caught in the tree. I didn’t want to risk upsetting my parents so I sought out the help of my older sister who was taller than me and could almost reach it. This was my mistake. She told me to grab this very small branch and lean back to pull down the branch so she could reach it. She almost had it when I hear a snap and then I was falling so fast I couldn’t react. My head hit first on the sidewalk where a rock was previously placed I hit both the rock and the sidewalk. After a few dazed seconds I stood up only to feel my head hurt so bad so I put my hands back there to hold it and they came back to me sticky and red I thought for a second hey my hair learned how to paint then realized oh its blood, my blood. As my sister saw me fall she ran off to hide the fact she didn’t want to get into trouble but when she heard me gasp and start to scream she came back to find a very big problem forming. blood everywhere all over the tree next to me and on the sidewalk where I was laying previously, she then scream a blood curdling scream and ran inside to get help all I remember is my dad run out grab me then I blacked out.

            Moments after this blackout I awoke to a great pressure on my head holding me in place with people crying around me. I realized that I was in the living room of my own house being held down by my dad’s hands and a coldish bloody cloth pressed tight to my skin. I was face down across my lap as I was dying or at least it felt like it I had lost a lot of blood and my skull was cracked with bubbles coming out rapidly. I was rushed to the hospital and all they did was grab a water gun and clean it out a little bit. No stitches, no glue, or staples they said my dad had put enough pressure on it so it closed up very well.

            This is the day I would change because I would have went to my parents and had them fetch the parachute man out of the tree. For this reason I have never been the same that day I had changed I went from an honest little boy to a scheming kid who takes life and death as it is. I wish to have changed the fact of my transformation but change is inevitable.

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