Wednesday, February 13, 2013

the 180 in my life

This is the explanation of my picture: this day we were ready to finish what others had started to tie up loose ends and finish with a kiss. I was at my sister’s wedding as the best man. That day we were all in a rush to get things set up down at the pierce city park In the morning on September 6th 2012. We were having problems with the lineup and some people weren’t there to see this wedlock occur though we had a nice sized group of people some were just not there that we wanted to be. The groom’s parents were dressed in work clothes not honoring the bride or the groom with a show of faith in their relationship to come. In the picture I am standing at the left next to Kyle Russell a friend to both me and Tim. And there next to him stood Ryan Moudy a cousin of mine. We were awaiting the bride to walk down the aisle with my dad hand in hand and wait for the ceremony to start.


  1. Well, this is very interesting because as you can see the bride is taking forever to get here, and no matter how patiently we wait it seems to drag on. Whenever I turned around I can’t help but find this guy in a pink-ish shirt staring at me very awkwardly. So I slowly turn back around and wait on the bride to come down the aisle. It seems like an hour before she finally makes it, but it was only fifteen minutes that had passed from waiting on her. Now it is time for me to get married. As we say our vows we look each other in the eye and whisper “i love you.” At this time it all seems to be going by very fast. Then before we know it right as the preacher says “you may kiss the bride,” I kissed her gently, and then just as I was pulling back, I passed out in a dead sweat for the fact that I just got married.

  2. this would be at the great Sooter-Walters wedding. I will say that Michael is the best man for unknown reasoning but anyway. Michael is standing watching everything going on proud of his sister. Whereas Kyle is slightly behind him trying to figure out what Michael sat in. by the look on his face it cannot be something good. He almost looks discussed by it. When you think to yourself what is something common people sit in some simple things come to mind but when you think what people sit in at the park it makes you wonder more.

  3. Jake Curtis: Car after car, he had finally begun the search for his dream car. He had worked long hours and saved for 5 months so that he could finally get the car he had always wanted. He worked at the local Mazzios and loved his job he loved working at a place he enjoyed earning his own money. He searched craigslist and Monett times and local vendors on the website. He finally found THE car it was a black Nissan, and everything he always wanted. He would have to work 2 more months to have enough money, and that he did. It was time to go pick the car up and when he did the first place he went was to his work place he went to Mazzios where he worked to pay for this car

  4. Michael Sooter stands proud and gent because today was his sister’s wedding day. It’s a beautiful day to have a wedding and a decent park to enjoy the weather at. There in the center of attention, Tim and Kelsey stand as one and begin their lives together in love. As best man, Michael stands and gathers all of his strength to attempt his speech after the wedding. Lost in his thoughts, he does not notice that the pastor has already finished giving his blessings to Tim and Kelsey. The man in the pink polo nudges at Michael alerting him back to his senses. “You’re up,” he replies and Michael waltzes towards the podium. With a shot glass of vodka in one hand and a microphone in the other, he begins his speech with a toast to his new brother in law. Although the speech was short, those words will stay in the newlyweds’ life for the rest of their lives. Birds chirp and animals watch from afar as the wedding comes to its end but as the day may finish, a new life begins for Tim, Kelsey, Michael, and for both families.

  5. It was one of the best days Michael Sooter remembered. It was the day of his sister’s wedding and he watched as the groom and his sister walked to the altar and took their vows. He was crying and smiling as he watch his sister smile at her husband and staring back at Michael mouthing the words ‘Thank You.’ Michael nodded and mouthed the words ‘Your welcome, sis.’ Back to her. It was their little secret which included him encouraging her to go ahead with the wedding and that her husband was a great guy. It was one of those days that Michael Sooter will never forget when his sister had lost all hope and he supported her and showed her how much she loved her husband and never giving up. Michael talked with her sister during the after party.

  6. It’s a crisp spring morning. Michael’s sister is getting married. He and his brothers stand to the side patiently waiting for the bride. In the background there is soft wedding music quietly playing. Suddenly it switches to one of Chris Browns songs and the family members dance of the walkway. They had been planning this for months. The Bride so embarrassed face is red, but still has a big smile on her face. “Michael was this you,” She asks. “Yep, seemed like the perfect wedding for my sister,” He smirked.

  7. Michael: This day was greatest day ever for my brother. He was marrying the woman of his dreams. The whole family liked her as well. I, being his best man, stood with my head held high. I was so proud of him because he had been through a lot. He had just recently come home from Iraq because he was injured from a ground mine explosion. He healed and the recovery was quick. He said that he couldn’t take not knowing what tomorrow brings and not have the girl of his dreams by his side so that’s when he popped the question. They both cried on their wedding day along with me. My brother and I had always been so close and this was a huge step in his life. I loved my brother and he loved me. We would both remember this day for different reason but none the less we would still have the great memory.

  8. A small smile crept across my face as I heard the second, “I do.” Followed by the preacher saying, “By the power invested in me…” I couldn’t even hear the words that trailed because I was focused on the joy that radiated from the two at the front, my sister and her new husband.
    The crowd awed as they leaned in for a kiss, and laughed as my new brother-in-law leaned her backward, supporting her with his hand resting on her back. The man beside me did little to suppress a sniffle as a single tear rolled down his cheek.
    This was a day none of us would ever forget and a day that would be in our hearts forever.

  9. It was a theme wedding. You were supposed to wear your favorite color. I don’t necessarily consider that a theme but I wasn’t about to tell Mandy that. Her husband to be loved the color blue and she loved when he wore it. His best man had always been the macho type. The kind of guy that wore those “real men wear pink” shirts. I don’t think I have to tell you what color he was wearing. It had turned into kind of a disaster because all of his other groomsmen were sick so he had to recruit his cousin, Eddy. Eddy hadn’t even wanted to come but his mom had made him and the only reason he had agreed to fill in was after he was promised he didn’t have to smile and he got a prime spot in the buffet line. Mandy’s favorite color was orange so naturally the men had on corsages with an orange rose. The awkward trio stood in unison as Mandy came down the aisle in white dress with a signature bow in her favorite color. The “theme” may have been a little chaotic but nothing beats two fools in love.
