Wednesday, May 1, 2013

creating a list and checking it twice

v  People who have influenced me.

Ø  My father

Ø  Ed Velten

Ø  My mom

Ø  Scott Claybrook

Ø  The entire staff at MWI

Ø  The founder of the FFA contest team AG Mech.

v  Places that make me happy.

Ø  My room

Ø  The swimming pool

Ø  Skateland

Ø  My cousins pond

Ø  The woods where I hunt

Ø  Being out in Nature makes me happy

v  Places I would like to go.

Ø  Brazil

Ø  Canada

Ø  Hawaii

Ø  Amsterdam

Ø  Italy

Ø  The diamond mine in Australia

v  Things inside people that I like.

Ø  A heart filled with love

Ø  A stomach for all the things that I do

Ø  An insatiable appetite for books

Ø  A mind filled with all kinds of knowledge waiting to be shared over a night of video games

Ø  A love for swimming and/or other outdoor sports

Ø  Caring and compassionate towards animals and myself

v  Things inside people that I dislike.

Ø  A burning hatred for animals

Ø  Stupidity

Ø  Lack of common sense

Ø  The ability to open mouth and insert foot

Ø  A dislike of video games

Ø  Hatred of all kinds of outdoor things

v  Things that worry me.

Ø  Being late for something important

Ø  Having to present an unfinished work

Ø  What lies at the bottom of the water

Ø  Losing people I love over stupid things

Ø  Not getting to move on with my life

Ø  Getting injured to where I can’t do the things I love anymore

v  Things I would like to know how to do.

Ø  Fly a plane

Ø  Live in the wilderness for years

Ø  Build a computer

Ø  Hack things

Ø  Be the best person in the world

Ø  Friend any person just by a smile

v  Things that have moved me.

Ø  My dad’s death

Ø  Future College opportunity

Ø  Opportunity to beat my sisters in life

Ø  People who can pick me up move me anywhere they want

Ø  The thousands of books I have read in my life

Ø  Ag. Mechanics contests to make me batter at what I love

v  Ideas that intrigue me.

Ø  How we came to be on this earth

Ø  Simple viruses that can kill us but are 1 billionth our size

Ø  Why things can kill us so easily

Ø  Things that have been invented are easily improved upon

Ø  How easily one person can “fall” in and out of “love”

Ø  Since we are matter and matter is neither destroyed or created but transferred can we transfer ourselves into another thing like an animal through cell mutations?

v  My personal favorites.

Ø  Out fishing on a warm summer night with a couple of close friends

Ø  A fresh cookie from the oven

Ø  A freshly baked pizza with all the toppings I like

Ø  Swimming in my pool on a warm night with a clear sky

Ø  Hunting with my friends/family on a private property out in the middle of nowhere

Ø  Playing cards at school with friends

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