Tuesday, May 7, 2013

senior final

                My advice for those next year would be that you better find out if you like writing or not, because it will take you either higher up on writing or you will plummet down in grade scales. Another piece of advice is that you have to be able to figure out who you are before the creative writing section rolls about.

My favorite blog post would have to be synetics because we had to prove our answer was logical and the truth in what we believed. In this we had to say which was better or which was wiser or which was more practical. This helped me to affirm my beliefs in the small things.

                The one most important thing that I have learned from this class is never underestimate the power of the blog enough said.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


In the End.

                As the last few days are all but done I stop and look back at this year my last year as a pierce city high school and reflect on the sharp pains I’m having as I think of all the great times and the sad times I have had while roaming these halls whether it be while skipping class or in between classes. This class has opened my eyes to myself in a way that I myself didn’t think existed until now. As each of us are asked to look back at ourselves we find a person with walls that touch the sky all around us so no single person save ourselves could get in. That is not the case now since we had to rip away the mortar that holds this wall together so we could share the things deep inside us. Now as we all stare at the wreckage of the once great mighty wall holding back the torrential waves of emotions long suppressed we can but hope to stay adrift in this sea of emotions with one life raft floating just out of reach each time we make a go at it to try and grasp the thing that keeps us a little better than the rest. We float adrift among the people who are building their walls higher and higher so no water can get in but they don’t realize is if the wall is too high the water will crush it and they will drown in their own emotions. If they truly live without a wall standing between them and their selves then they will have their heart out on their sleeve for all to know they are at peace with what they are. The three words that I feel would describe me the most would have to be the following:

                Musical: I am musical because I follow certain rhythms but when needed I can become the most unique piece anyone has ever seen I blend themes from all aspects of life into one piece my length is unknown but I start slow like a baby crawling along the floor the my life hits the low notes then the high but now I am the most complicated looking music with the simplest of rhythms that never repeat themselves because each day is different than the last.

                Imaginative: I can see things others cannot because I use my imagination to fix the minor details in life as well as the major things. I can believe what I want but never am I without a belief. If you don’t believe in something you will fall for anything.

                Honest: this was a hard one to figure out because I never admit to being honest but proof tells itself in plain black and white. As this was the hardest one to find inside me I have little to say about it except this, one who lies cannot keep a friends love but one who can keep the air clean keeps the most people in their lives without any of them getting to close to them because of the fact the honest ones are usually the most blunt.

fine line

The best things about me.

1.       Musical

2.       Caring

3.       Funny

4.       Laid back

5.       Easy to get along with

6.       Honest

7.       I like to do a lot of different sports

8.       I don’t like to skip over minor details

9.       Great memory

10.   Really don’t care about which religion is the “correct one to follow”

The worst things about me.

1.       Easily annoyed

2.       Procrastinator level 1,000,000,000,000

3.       I’m lazy

4.       I will remember what happened between us

5.       Daydreams way to much

6.       Enjoys life the way I want it

7.       Goof off way to much

8.       Hates it when people try to act religious when they themselves don’t follow what they say

9.       Thinks of the future before it happens

10.   Not easily persuaded

Friday, May 3, 2013

valuable lessons

1.       Don’t drop the soap. Bad things happen that’s enough said.

2.       Look before you leap. There may not be another place to land.

3.       Do not grab a snake it may bite back. I was bitten by a copperhead when I was little because I grabbed its tail.

4.       Think before you speak. You may say something insensitive or careless without meaning to.

5.       Enjoy the little things in life. The big things usually all we care about but everyday moments can change your life.

6.       For every action there is an equal or opposite reaction. I lied to my parents and got in even worse trouble than I would have if I had admitted to it in the first place.

7.       Nobody is perfect in every way possible. You may be good at some things but there will always be someone better.

8.       Games are fun for the dull moments. Don’t let them crowd out the big moments in your life. I let my passion for video games crowd out an important friends birthday.

9.       Work smarter not harder. This has been my motivation in life but sometimes I fail at it like one time I was lifting heavy things when I could have put them on a cart and pulled that.

10.   What is past has passed focus on today not tomorrow and yesterday. Thinking of now as in this exact minute what will you do? Continue reading? Or just stop at that last sentence?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

creating a list and checking it twice

v  People who have influenced me.

Ø  My father

Ø  Ed Velten

Ø  My mom

Ø  Scott Claybrook

Ø  The entire staff at MWI

Ø  The founder of the FFA contest team AG Mech.

v  Places that make me happy.

Ø  My room

Ø  The swimming pool

Ø  Skateland

Ø  My cousins pond

Ø  The woods where I hunt

Ø  Being out in Nature makes me happy

v  Places I would like to go.

Ø  Brazil

Ø  Canada

Ø  Hawaii

Ø  Amsterdam

Ø  Italy

Ø  The diamond mine in Australia

v  Things inside people that I like.

Ø  A heart filled with love

Ø  A stomach for all the things that I do

Ø  An insatiable appetite for books

Ø  A mind filled with all kinds of knowledge waiting to be shared over a night of video games

Ø  A love for swimming and/or other outdoor sports

Ø  Caring and compassionate towards animals and myself

v  Things inside people that I dislike.

Ø  A burning hatred for animals

Ø  Stupidity

Ø  Lack of common sense

Ø  The ability to open mouth and insert foot

Ø  A dislike of video games

Ø  Hatred of all kinds of outdoor things

v  Things that worry me.

Ø  Being late for something important

Ø  Having to present an unfinished work

Ø  What lies at the bottom of the water

Ø  Losing people I love over stupid things

Ø  Not getting to move on with my life

Ø  Getting injured to where I can’t do the things I love anymore

v  Things I would like to know how to do.

Ø  Fly a plane

Ø  Live in the wilderness for years

Ø  Build a computer

Ø  Hack things

Ø  Be the best person in the world

Ø  Friend any person just by a smile

v  Things that have moved me.

Ø  My dad’s death

Ø  Future College opportunity

Ø  Opportunity to beat my sisters in life

Ø  People who can pick me up move me anywhere they want

Ø  The thousands of books I have read in my life

Ø  Ag. Mechanics contests to make me batter at what I love

v  Ideas that intrigue me.

Ø  How we came to be on this earth

Ø  Simple viruses that can kill us but are 1 billionth our size

Ø  Why things can kill us so easily

Ø  Things that have been invented are easily improved upon

Ø  How easily one person can “fall” in and out of “love”

Ø  Since we are matter and matter is neither destroyed or created but transferred can we transfer ourselves into another thing like an animal through cell mutations?

v  My personal favorites.

Ø  Out fishing on a warm summer night with a couple of close friends

Ø  A fresh cookie from the oven

Ø  A freshly baked pizza with all the toppings I like

Ø  Swimming in my pool on a warm night with a clear sky

Ø  Hunting with my friends/family on a private property out in the middle of nowhere

Ø  Playing cards at school with friends

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

never say goodbye

The hardest goodbye to say

                The hardest and obviously the most painful goodbye I’ve had to say was the one I never got to say. My dad was struck by cancer early last year he had a form of cancer that spreads easily from one part of your body to another. His radiation treatments were over and the tumors in his head were shrinking and the tumors in his armpits had completely gone away. We went to the hospital to help him get over this stage of not being able to eat and drink stuff without keeping it down long enough to do any good. He was put on this medicine to completely remove waste from his body so he could eat food and keep it down. 2 days after he was put on this medicine he had a bad reaction which put him in a coma. After a few hours we heard the nurses talking about his condition and they described it as the sleeping death were a patient is comatose and their body slowly dies from lack of oxygen to the brain causing it to cease all functions. The first day I knew he was in the hospital I couldn’t stand being in the room because I couldn’t stand to look at this skeleton of a man who was once the most important figure in my life. A virus had withered this man to nothing but a paper thin layer of skin covering his bones.

                The time came when I had to leave to go home and I said goodbye for now to an unconscious man who couldn’t hear my goodbye. Later that night he died in a hospital bed with only my mother at his side his children all gone home hours before, I never got to say goodbye to him before the funeral.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Gone but never forgotten…

Gone but never forgotten…

                The Things that I want to be remembered by after the next 20 years have passed and I will no longer be a senior in high school. They are as follows: Be the only person who is known by everyone but knows nothing about me. I want to be remembered for the welding I have done for the new Ag shop putting together the welding booths for future generations to use. Be the only person to have a smell that has a scent of burning hair and still make it seem natural. Become one of the best welders in the United States of America. Be able to weld the impossible things in life. Finally invent something called a bio weld and it is a fusion of flesh to flesh with little to no visible marks. Be remembered for the simple things that made people’s lives great. At our ten year reunion be the richest alongside Sura and his mansions. Be able to do the most complicated of tasks and make them seem easy while all simple tasks are made out to be impossible. Have one of the longest running practical jokes. Create a TV show similar to jackass and call it redneck dumbass. Be my own boss and be able to live happily with my jokes and welding career. Live out my life to retire early and still make more money than that guy. The most important thing I want to be remembered by is that I out of my entire family will go to college and get a well earning and rewarding career, which is more than my goody two shoe sisters can say for themselves.